I've been talking about starting a blog for months now, but have really struggled with it for a bunch of reasons.
One - I know I'm going to offend people. I've always been toooooo transparent - it's probably one of my biggest flaws. I'm not good at hiding my emotions (on paper, or in person), so between my frequent eye rolls, tone, word choice, and sarcasm - I'm pretty much hurting someone's feelings every other minute. Apologies in advance to the many people I'm sure I will offend, but lucky for you, reading my blog is not mandatory.
Two - This is really scary! Writing a blog feels like a therapy session that I'm making available to the public. I've never even been to therapy because I don't like to talk about my feelings - my mantra is sort of along the lines of, 'Figure it out, and move on.' Which I guess leads me to...
Why am I doing this?!
I have major Fat Kid syndrome. But I'm trying to 'Figure it out, and move on.'
I'm 27 - I probably haven't been 'fat' for around 10-12 years (with a few bloated, dark spots in between) - but I am still feeling the aftershock. I spin faster, hold planks longer, and bang out more push-ups than all of the skinny girls next to me at the gym - but when I look in the mirror I still feel like an oompa loompa sometimes.
I've read hundreds of 'healthy living' books and they pretty much all irritate me. There's a reason that there are so many of them - NONE OF THEM WORK! If you really want to know, the simple answer is, 'move your ass and stop eating like a fat f*cking pig' - but not everyone is emotionally or physically empowered enough to recognize that and start living that way.
Let's take Bethenny Frankel for example. I love her as much as any other NYC housewife wannabe would, but does anyone really want to hear that skinny bitch tell you how 'your diet is a bank account?' because last time I checked, half of the US is still unemployed, and everyone's bank account is empty. Bethenny can be hilarious, but how is she relatable when it comes to healthy living?
So that's why I'm here. I want to share my story of growing up a 'fat kid', and talk about how I've evolved into who I am today. I plan on giving fitness tips, reviewing workout classes, and sharing recipes - all from the perspective of a relatable, occasionally jiggly, sometimes funny twentysomething from NYC.
Hopefully, at some point, I will overcome my fat kid syndrome, and maybe even help other fat kids in the process.
Were you a fat kid?
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